
Losing my voice

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

I am a mother to six children. I am engaged to a man. I am a bisexual.

For as long as I have been aware of my sexual orientation I have been proud of it. I was one of the few white girls in my predominantly African-American middle school who was out and unashamed. In high school, I openly dated both genders and boldly walked the halls without any care or concern about others opinions. I had this awesome jean jacket that was airbrushed with a bag of Skittles on the back and I loved the bright gay pride colors the artist used. Throughout my youth I did not feel shame or fear about who or what I was; that came later in life. I feel lucky that I was not berated or talked down to or like I had to hide my true self.

As I’ve aged I have found it harder to be “out and proud” because I don’t feel bisexual while being in a straight relationship. Wow, that sounds so small-minded and hypocritical. What I mean by that is that because I am not dating a woman (and haven’t in almost 3 years) I don’t feel I have a voice in the LGBT community. Before my last girlfriend, I hadn’t been in a relationship with a female since I was 21. At no point have I stopped being attracted to women, I just simply have ended up in straight relationships. When I have sought out female relationships it has gotten muddied with the fact that I have children, you’d be surprised at how many bisexual and lesbian women find kids as a deal breaker.

As far as I see it, once a bisexual enters into a straight relationship those looking in from the outside then only see them as straight. They no longer get to carry that big, beautiful flag declaring them different. Maybe it shouldn’t matter what people see you as in your private life but to me I feel like I have lost my voice. When I am online and speaking about LGBT topics people label me as an ally not as someone directly affected by the issues at hand. For example, when the topic of marriage equality was being thrust into the spotlight I cried as each state legalized gay marriage and adoptions. Growing up I felt disheartened that those who loved each other could not have the same rights as their straight counterparts. But there were many times while in groups and commenting on threads where I would be attacked after someone went to look through my profile and see that I was in a straight relationship with children. As if my choice in partner negated who I was, as if I no longer existed as a bisexual. This occurred by straight and

In the wake of what happened on Sunday in Orlando I want to honor the victims by being out and proud. By making connections with other bisexuals. By continuing to teach my children acceptance and tolerance. By not letting my identity and voice be silenced by bigots in or out of the LGBT community.

The only way progress will be made is if those with a voice speak loud and clear. To demand protection for a group of people that have been left hanging in the wind for decades. To join together in solidarity and stand against hatred and bigotry. By not excluding those who don’t fit neatly into what you find acceptable and comfortable. Change, true change is not going to be easy but it can be done if we use this time to stand up for our rights as humans to live and love without boundaries.




I close my eyes and listen

The fan on blast

Birds in back taking a bath

The blood pumping in my heart

Speeding thoughts flying by

I try to tune into the sounds

But inside I am writhing

Worry is taking over

Panic gripping me

Happiness slipping away

I try to grab it but it slips

And I trip

Flat on my face I am lying

Crying myself to sleep

Banging my hands on the clean sheets

Hopeless in my wanting

Needing more than what is able to be had

Losing myself in all this chaos

Wishing she would find me

Whoever she is


Your post online

You standing there,

with beer in hand,

and all I feel is love.

Your hat turned back,

your ink on display,

and I fall all over myself.

Your blue tank fitted,

your long shorts loose,

and my heart thumps painfully.

Your eyes hidden behind those sunglasses,

smile half-cocked,

and all I can do is breathe deeply.

The sun so bright,

clouds light and fluffy,

and I can only wish I was with you.



I miss you.

I miss your body wrapped around mine.

I miss how a simple look would make you smile.

I miss how you brought out the best in me.

I miss you.

I miss how you were my equal.

I miss how deeply you loved my son.

I miss your face.

I miss your love.

I miss you.

I miss hearing your voice in the morning.

I miss your ragged breath as we made love.

I miss your arms around me while cooking dinner.

I miss our long talks.

I miss you.

I miss your soft lips on mine.

I miss making you sweat and moan.

I miss how you made my heart swell.

I miss how simple life was.

I miss you.



She has a past filled with lust

She is one who I cannot trust

Her name a constant on his phone

I don’t want her influence in my home

He spends with her such little time

But every night his phone does chime

I think the threat come from within

From my past of forbidden love and sin

But maybe my gut is warning me

Of things I am not there to see

My intuition typically leads me in the right direction

The consequences are something to consider with introspection

She slinks in with an innocent smile

Offering a dollar, a laugh, and something more worthwhile

I cannot help but wonder

Is it my relationship with him she wants to toss asunder?

Trying to express my concerns and fear

Goes in one and out the other ear

I want to trust him without condition

But it seems I cannot let go of my contrition

I worry I’ll not be able to let this all go

Because in my heart she is my foe


How to make yourself fall out of love


So as you may have figured out, I have a problem with detaching from my ex’s. Especially female one’s. Not to say I am not still friends with ex-bf’s, all of which are from high school. But there is something about detaching from an ex-girlfriend I find most difficult. Lately, I have found that while on my social media I am drawn to one particular ex-gf and it feels wrong. It feels wrong to feel so much for her while I am in a committed relationship, it feels wrong because she is happier without me, and it feels wrong to want to share how I feel with her and the world. In the ten years since I have last had her in my life I have not fallen out of love with her.

For the longest time we were not in touch and then we both ended up running into each other on social media. We got close for a little while, realized we were getting too attached,
and then there was radio silence for a long time. These days we may comment or post to each other every so often but we really don’t talk. When she posts pictures I look through them and move along as quickly as possible, but sometimes I can’t. There are times I just sit on my phone looking at her; seeing her crooked smile, the happiness that she is experiencing, and thinking about what could have been.

Before you start throwing the book at me, I think you should understand that I know that it would be better to cut ties and never look back. I know that I am hindering my healing process by not ending whatever it is that we have going. I know that I can never have her in my heart (or arms) again. But the love that is still there is hard to turn away from. The connection we had, how much she means to me, how much she loved my son…it is all still there.

I think the “issue” lies in that with a female/female relationship there is an intense emotional connection which is magnified with sex/making love. It is a self-feeding cycle that is infinite in its ability to create a stronger emotional connection. It is deep, intimate, and fierce in the best (and worst) relationships. With her it was everything I ever wanted; minus the boyfriend that I wasn’t being honest with and the lack of a financial security. Even after he took advantage of her I still loved her. As a matter of fact, it made me love her more because I wanted to protect her from him and any other predator that wanted to cause her harm. I just didn’t know how to stand up to him. I think that is why she broke it off because I couldn’t/wouldn’t choose only her.

So maybe this is my divine retribution. Watching her from afar, living her life, going on adventures without me. I don’t think I will ever fall out of love with her, even when she finds her Mrs. Right. I am okay with being at arm’s length because if she brought me in any closer I would surely fall head over heels, I would profess my love, and I would make a fool of myself. Let’s be honest, why would she walk right back into the same situation with me a second time in her life for me to not be able to be her one and only….again. Instead, I will keep watching her…loving her…and missing her.

In conclusion, you cannot make yourself fall out of love. You cannot control the love you feel for another. You cannot control how many people you love. Life and love are complicated and messy and beautifully painful. Drink it in, bathe in it, and cherish every moment you have.



Wishing they would notice me



I know she’s out there. Where or who I do not know just yet. But I know she is there. Maybe she is feeling lonely, empty, and unfulfilled like I am. Maybe she is happy and content in her life but hasn’t found that one person who makes life complete. But maybe I have already had and lost her, eh who knows. I am not seeking anyone in particular, hell I am not even putting myself “out there” in a real way. Mostly I am looking through the window, even squinting at times when I think I have lost sight of any possibilities.

During the most mundane of tasks I have my eyes wide open.

Today, while going through the local fast food drive-thru for a treat for the little princess I encountered a woman. She was not amazingly beautiful nor was she Gilbert Grape’s momma. While she was ringing up my order I wanted her to say something to me but instead it was this goofy guy in training behind her who after 8 seconds of staring at me came up with, “I love your glasses.”

While it was nice of him to notice the most obvious thing on my face, it meant nothing because she did not say it. I am not saying that male attention is not awesome as a whole. My whole life has been a back and forth of trying to figure out how to classify myself in relationships with men. As a youth, I explored every facet of relationships that I could pull off; straight, lesbian, mono, poly, and cheating in-between. With my ex, I was a bisexual who wanted to be a lesbian. After my ex, I left my options open by seeing multiple people (with their knowledge of course). Then I met my fiance. My sexuality has never been a real issue, mostly because he knows I am not a traditional bisexual and is okay with it.

The awesomeness of my fiance is that many times we have talked about my needs and desires to be with a woman. He has always said, “You are still figuring yourself out. I am okay with you exploring what you need,” and that is that. But the hardship doesn’t end when he says it’s okay…as a matter of fact for me it has only just begun. I try to avoid commenting on an attractive woman. I attempt to not feel the thump in my heart when two women are kissing. I try to be in the moment with him at all times, but my heart and mind do wander. (And, I do not confess these conflicts of interest.)

I am chickenshit, point blank.

I think that as much as I want a female partner, I am afraid of putting myself out there. I am scared of not being accepted as a bisexual poly mother of 6 in a straight mono relationship. I am afraid of the unknown. Let’s be honest the monster you know is better than the one you don’t, right?

So here I sit mulling over the day. Wishing that she would have noticed me. Wishing that just because I am walking around with my kiddo women will notice me. Wishing that society would stop fucking with the image of self I am allowed to be. Wishing I was a different version of me. Wishing she would notice me.



Emotional self-mutilation


“The most inefficient and self-harming thing a person can do is go out looking for love. Let it find you when the time is right and you’re out doing what you love to do. Only then will you find it in its truest form.”
A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar



This week has been a hard one.

I have ridden the emotional roller coaster of hormones, I have confessed things to my fiance, I have broken down, and I have been quietly climbing the mountain of despair with the help of an online friend. I feel like I have been through the ringer this week or rather, I have put myself through the ringer. Not with the hormone roller coaster because let’s be honest there isn’t a damn thing I can do about that. The thing is that I could have shut my mouth and silently suffered through how I am feeling but I got this bright idea to share with my partner. There has been a lead up over the last few weeks of me sharing little bits and pieces of how I am feeling. It all I came to a head this week while I was getting ready to leave for acupuncture.

He asked me if it was “really that bad” and from there it all sort of began to pour out. I explained how the loneliness and isolation was only getting worse and how day by day it gets harder to keep my shit together. He quipped back that if I needed more from him then I needed to reach out, if I needed his affection I needed to speak up, if needed his help I needed to ask. Before we had a chance to really discuss things further I needed to leave. Once I got to my appointment my acupuncturist asked me how things were going and the only thing I could reply with is, “Emotionally, I am a wreck.” She said, “Well then we’ll work that into your treatment today.” While she was placing the needles she inquired about what all was going on and I had to bite back the tears while glossing over the events. After she left the room I lay there in a blissful daze drifting in and out of consciousness while attempting to let go of the worries, problems, and woes.

When my appointment was done I walked back to my truck and got my dose of nicotine from my e-cigarette. Usually I would be excited to go home, hug the baby, and relax in bed but there was none of that. I didn’t want to go home. I sat in the parking lot and realized that what I needed to do was text my fiance about how I was feeling so that when I came home I wouldn’t be holding onto all the emotions I had been biting back. So I pulled up my voice to text and began purging everything I was feeling, thinking, and needing to get off my chest. I told him that I was tired of asking for things from him because I have before and nothing changes, that I felt guilty for asking more from him given how much/hard he works, and that I was battling with the denial of my identity as a polyamorous bisexual in a heterosexual committed relationship. I explained that I felt guilty for so much; for not being a better partner, mother, and person. I told him I felt it would be better for me to text him because I knew if I tried talking to him face-to-face I would without a doubt cry.

I drove home with a nausea-inducing headache. When I walked in the door I began getting the baby ready for bed, made myself a nausea tea, and laid my head on a bag of frozen lima beans. He got ready for bed without a word being spoken about the texts that I had sent and fell asleep promptly. There’s one thing you should know; I am a naturally confrontational person. Not that I want a screaming match but I want to hash out the issues until something comes of it. He on the other hand is the exact opposite. So when an issue comes up, they can drag on for quite awhile before things are resolved.

So here I am, two days later and nothing has been talked about. Nothing has been resolved and I am drowning in my sorrows; with no bottle in hand. My vice at this point is binge watching, “The L Word”. I am drowning in this intense desire to be tangled in the arms of another female, to have emotional love wash over me, to caress the softly defined curves of a woman. But why, you may ask, am I not adult enough to go to him and say these things? Fear. Fear is what is driving the bus right now. I am afraid that if I speak up about what I need that it will ultimately mean that I am opening the relationship, that I will lose him, that I will get hurt again. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. Instead of owning up, I am avoiding. In a way it’s self-mutilation because I am hurting myself by not being honest with myself. Everyday I sit here watching these lesbian shows and movies longing for what I miss in a female relationship.

I don’t know how to stop. It may seem simple enough to you but it’s not. It’s complicated, terrifying, and physically sickening. I pride myself on being an open-minded, free loving person but deep down my childhood abandonment issues, past bad relationships, and horrible self-image prevent me from making healthy adult decisions that are in my best interest. I know I don’t own him, I know that I cannot possibly be everything he wants/needs, and I know that if we were meant to be that no other person is going to come between us. But, I cannot bring myself to do it. I am not adult enough to do so. I am not secure enough in my own skin to be okay with sharing him with anyone, which is why I can’t find it in myself to ask him to do the same. Teenage me is bitch-slapping now me in the face with a two-by-four.

I am holding out hope that a solution comes to me in the coming days…until then I bid you, “Goodnight”.


“Alice in Toyland”


“After loss of Identity, the most potent modern terror, is loss of sexuality, or, as Descartes didn’t say, “I fuck therefore I am”.”
Jeanette Winterson, Art & Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a Bawd


The first time I ever walked into an adult toy store/theater I was going for an interview to be a “girl behind the glass”, I use the quotations because I can’t find a term that really describes pretending to masturbate behind bullet-proof glass. Anyhow, while waiting for my interviewer I began slowly walking around the store inspecting the overstocked shelves. Glancing over at the prepackaged sex kits, enormous dildo’s, and vast collection of video’s. I was in the middle of the most intense sensory overload I’d ever had. Luckily, before I got too deep in my investigation she called for me to start my interview.

Once I got the job I would explore the store between clients and if there was something I didn’t know about I would ask the guys who were working the front counter. It was enlightening to be in a place where talking about sex was acceptable, encouraged, and normal. My whole life I found sex interesting but it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I could talk openly about it. When I got with my ex sex was okay to talk about but my kinks were not something that were a priority. To be in a place where sex was the only thing being talked about, being done, or being encouraged was freeing. A couple weeks into working there I decided to bring home some new lube and he flipped his shit. All of the sudden I was a whore, I was a slut, and I was clearly cheating on him.

The thing about my personality is this; if someone accuses me of sleeping around and I am not in fact then somewhere in my brain a switch flips and I suddenly want to. The next day I went to work, took care of a few clients, and walked over to the theater area of the store. I walked into one of the theaters and was greeted with 15 or so guys all masturbating to a girl-on-girl scene. I had never seen a man jerking off up until this point and here I was watching many, many men doing so. I was enamored and disgusted all at once. One of the guys who had become a regular beckoned me over mid-stroke and I made my way to him. He was a good-looking, 40-something, business man who had an amazing sense of humor. He asked if I would sit next to him and just watch with no pressure to participate. At first, I didn’t know what he meant but then I began looking around closely then I noticed that there were 3-ways and 4-ways with a multitude of variations.

Once I realized what was going on around me I became intensely aroused and the urge to participate consumed me. I was scantily dressed as is so it was quite easy to start masturbating and before long my regular customer began to join in. Within a short amount of time there were bodies and hands everywhere. The sounds of people climaxing added to the excitement, the moaning of the two girls on screen was erotic, and not knowing whose hands and fingers were where was a sensory overload. Someone whispered in my ear that I had a client waiting for me in the back, the moans of disappointment was an added boost to my excitement. I adjusted my outfit and pattered out of the theater and down to the office to talk to my potential client.

I enjoyed the idea of the “work” that I did but the pay was shit and the conditions that we worked under were less than ideal, to say the least. I was happy to lose the job because every day that I worked there brought me closer to feeling out of control. It was like this whole other part of me was awakened and it terrified me. Mostly because I knew that the boyfriend was less than accepting of things that were not the “norm” but also because he was not into sexual freedom and all that it entailed. To me my sexual freedom was not as important as keeping him happy, un-threatened, secure in his manhood. So I walked away with some experience under my belt, a few memories, and a bottle of top shelf lube as memorabilia.

When I finally left that job it was never spoken about; it was a “hot button issue” for him. After that time we never went into a toy shop together, talking about sex was limited to the bedroom, and god forbid I even acknowledge an adult store while out and about. The irony is that it was okay for him to suggest watching porn and then ignoring me while I was giving him head. With most guys who watch porn with their women, they start the movie together and then the movie becomes the background to them fucking their partner. With him I was the surrogate body to what he was watching; my mouth was there to mimic what the woman on the screen was doing, I no longer existed. I am pretty sure that is why I have such a hard time watching anything that is intimate with my fiance, that fear of just being the catalyst to his own pleasure.

It wasn’t until I was 26 that I stepped foot again into a porn shop. I walked hand-in-hand with my now fiance shortly after getting together and it was freeing. Don’t get me wrong it felt awkward talking to him about the size, shape, and vibration abilities of the different toys. He freely let me look around and talk about the things that interested me. There were no judgments. There was nothing taboo. The world was my oyster and however I wanted to orgasm was up for discussion. We walked out that night with a purple Doc Johnson rabbit and that night he had a lot of good fun using it. Last summer I had to go into an adult store by myself for the first time in over a decade. I had been masturbating and seemingly broke its shaft, I mean it was still intact but it would not power up anymore. I was very, very, very upset about this. After much whining the man agreed that I needed to get a replacement. At the time I was not licensed to drive, so with the kids in tow he headed for the local shop. The store front was quite discreet but he still parked at an angle so that they couldn’t see the ads on the front door.

I walked into the quaint little store and behind the counter sat a bubbly voiced, tattooed woman in her mid-20’s. She was not intrusive in the least but instead would ask every once in a while if I would like some help finding something specific. I went from one area to the next seeing what new things there were and trying not to die from the sticker shock. The one toy I wanted was $300 and I just could not calculate how many orgasms it would take to pay it off, HAHAHA! Instead I found one that was reasonably priced enough that I didn’t feel bad about and sidled up to the counter. It was awkward at first when we began comparing and contrasting all the benefits of the toy I had versus the high priced one. In the end we sat there talking about a multitude of new products that were new on the market and before long I realized my entire family was sitting outside waiting for me. I hurried my conversation and rushed out the door.

I am ever so grateful for my partners ability to not shame me about my sexuality, kinks, and whims. To this day he lets me explore who I am, as I grow and shed the layers of years of oppression. Well within reason (wink, wink). It can be a very freeing experience to explore who and what you are. As I age, I am realizing that I deprived myself of that growth as a young adult and am looking forward to my second revolution of my sexual appetite. I hear it is in my 40’s and 50’s when I should really come into my prime. What are your thoughts? Please share your thoughts if you are in or have already passed this point.



Partners who need to be told what to do

In the past I was in a relationship where my partner needed parenting, not necessarily in the literal sense. I think his issue was that his mother did a more hands-off approach to parenting. I believe it affected his ability to have healthy adult relationships. Anyhow, in the beginning it felt good to be needed and he appreciated what I did. As time went on it became something he expected and if not done he would be upset. There were times when we couldn’t afford to go to the laundry mat and I would hand-wash the kids clothes, our towels, and his bloody boxers in the bathtub. He had a health issue that would cause him to shit blood. But he could go out after work to the bar and buy drinks. Off-topic, I apologize. His ungratefulness is what drove me away, I could have handled the cheating and being piss poor broke. But the lack of love, the open discretion, and his inability to appreciate what I did for him was just too much. Not to mention all that I went through while with him.

It can be truly hard in a relationship when your partner needs to be parented or told what to do regularly, especially if you already have children. The truth is not only is it a burden to parent your spouse/significant other but it is a tremendous turn-off. As a woman I feel like I am pre-wired to care for others but once it becomes a.) expected and b.) unappreciated the desire to do for others starts to fade away. As a mother you are numb to the millions of ways that your children take you for granted, it’s a given. But when your partner suddenly gets pissy that you didn’t scrub the blood and dried cum from their boxers or that you forgot to make them a plate for the first time in ages, you come to a realization that you are just a disposable item.

The other aspect of this type of relationship is the partner who needs to be told what to do and when. You find yourself annoyed because you are doing everything; taking care of the kids, chores around the house, paying the bills, etc. When you voice that you are tired of doing it all their response might consist of, “You haven’t asked for any help, why are you so upset?”. That response usually sends me through the roof because obviously they haven’t been paying attention. Here you are running around juggling cooking dinner, keeping the children on task for homework, potty training the toddler, and trying to keep your head above water. When would you have the time to stop and have a nice chat over coffee to let them know all the ways an extra set of hands could make everyone’s lives easier? Somehow we become “at-fault” for not being vocal enough about our needs and/or wants. I hate that shit. Truly. But if we are too vocal we are labeled as a nagging wife/partner. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

Then there’s how it affects the relationship in the bedroom. I don’t know about ya’ll but when I am having sex with someone I am not so much into talking as I am into orgasming. During sex we have an enjoyable enough time for one of us to get ours and sometimes if I am lucky I get mine too. If he is going down on me and is being repetitious I don’t want to stop him and say, “Hey, your fingernail is slicing my cervix could you chill a little?” That being said, I have always had a harder time than most in voicing when something is or is not working for me in the moment. I usually wait until the act itself is over and then speak up about anything that did or did not do it for me.

But there is another thing I have recently had a problem with. I am kinky; like tie me up, grab my throat, fuck me until I scream kinky. Not that my kinks are the issue but more like I do not ask for them to be given attention. My fiance is not kinky, like at all. He is very much the slow, sweet, look me in the eyes kinda guy, which I can usually be okay with. But over the last few months I have not just felt like I need to tell him what to do outside the bedroom but in the throes of passion as well.

My kinks are a way to cope with my overly-controlling mental health issues, LOL! Seriously though, being able to rely on my partner to see that it is not just something fun to do but something that helps me let go of it all, is important. Recently my partner and I were hashing out some things about our sex life and I had said that it had been months since we had a session of tying me up. He quipped back, “You haven’t asked for it, how am I supposed to know? It’s not something I require so it doesn’t cross my mind”. In that moment my heart broke a little, not only did he not understand but he did not care…at least that is how it felt. He went on to say that if it was something I needed, I needed to speak up. I think I have always had the problem of expecting other people to be as giving as I am, I anticipate their needs and try to address them before they even realize they need it (I hope that makes sense).

As a mother and a partner, it can be hella hard work but when you have to parent your children and your significant other, it can be more than what a “normal” person can handle. I guess for me the only thing left to do is either speak up or let things continue the way they are. That’s really all anyone can do.
